Horsea – Seadra – Kingdra – Ex Holon Phantom
A fun project in which i designed the evolution line for Horsea, Seadra and Kingdra fire types.
Thanks to Smeargle's Lab on Instagram, i had the chance to illustrate one of my favourite evolution lines, Horsea Seadra and Kingdra! Since they were inspired by the Ex Holon Phantoms series, the types were all scrambled, and instead of water-types, they happened to be fire.
I wanted to design Horsea to look cute.
They’re discovering their way around fire.
Seadra was design as a “teen” phase: they love to set fire to stuff and watch it burn.
Kingdra gave me the vibes of a surly parent who cares
about their kids. So, despite the serious look, they’re lighting
a small candle for a tiny Horsea.