Toys – A Toys to Life Project
A Toys to Life project about a guy's toys who come to life and enter in his dream to help him.
A Toys to life game, back when Toys to life was a thing. Like Disney Infinity or Skylanders. Basically I developed in Unity a system where you could select which level to play by placing a character on a wired base connected to the PC. The characters were modeled and 3d printed on Shapeways. All the project was done by me, so kind of a "one man band" kind of thing. The story is about Allen, a guy trying to develop his thesis - it's not going very well though - so his toys decide to enter in his head to find something he believes he has lost. The toys are super different and colorful, and I love all of them. Sometime soon I will re-design them in a vinyl toys shape. Each one of them symbolize something important, and their task is to make Allen recall these important values. The dissertation went well. The game should be updated: hope to have some time to do it!

The characters

The game teaser
Some screencaps from the levels

Bonus content
A really young Marco presenting the project at the 2015 Maker Faire Rome